Pedestrian City Council Moves Miller Ave Streetscape Project Forward

In their May 2 session, Mill Valley City Council members voted 5-0 to take the next step in the Miller Avenue Streetscape Project. By unanimous vote they authorized execution of a construction contract with the lowest qualified bidder. Though initially faced with a budget shortfall of $3.2 million shortfall, Transportation Authority of Marin gave their unilateral support to fund the project. This Measure A Roads Fund allocation makes up approximately 44% of the total project funding and gives the city the needed resources to move forward.


The community-supported Miller Avenue Streetscape Project will provide pavement re-surfacing, sidewalk repair, restriping, and drainage improvements, among many other improvements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. The project aims to make Miller Avenue a safer, more efficient, and enjoyable street for all users: pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit users, business people, shoppers and visitors.


Mill Valley Mayor John McCauley said, “the residents of Mill Valley have spoken – Miller Avenue needs to be repaved. This is an important, essential, and generational project for the community.”


The City Council and the many community members have worked diligently for over a decade to make this project a reality. Ongoing project updates can be found at

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