Off-Road Update Olompali State Park Change in Use
Late last year, Olompali State Park and California State Parks officials reached out about moving forward with a legacy request from bike advocacy groups – they are now considering a Change in Use to part of the trail network at Olompali State Historic Park to include cyclists!
The Burdell Trail would provide a valuable connection from the Park (and the existing bike path next to Highway 101) up to the top of Burdell Mountain to the trail network at Mt Burdell Open Space Preserve next door. This project would be similar to the recent change in use at Bill’s Trail in Samuel P Taylor State Park. Burdell trail is comparable to Bill’s in width, grade, and distance but has a canopy of oak trees instead of redwoods. Including bikes on this trail would expand the reach of State Historic Parks to a broader range of users and engage a new community to steward and care for the land. The Miwok Interpretive Trail at Olompali would remain closed to bikes.
Olompali is a 700-acre State Historic Park in Northern Novato with a deep and continued connection to the Coast Miwok people. It was preserved for all in 1977 when it was designated a State Historic Park by the state of California and Marin County. Although the trail network was originally built to meet multiuse standards, bikes were banned. In 2006, Access4Bikes and the Bicycle Trails Council of Marin filed a request for reconsideration of this trail designation to include bikes. In 2022, an assessment of the request was finally considered, and things are now moving forward.
In addition to the initial trail assessment outlining the scope of work required to bring the designated trails back up to multiuse standards, State Parks held a stakeholder meeting to gather input and share information. There is opposition to this process. We need your support to show the community and State Parks that we are partners in the stewardship and active preservation of this incredible place. Add your name here to stay up-to-date on this process and learn how you can show up for Olompali State Historic Park.
Members make it happen.
We’re working to make Marin’s trails and pathways more bike-friendly for people of all ages and abilities. Are you with us?