Longtime Bike Champion Retiring Supervisor Steve Kinsey Honored

kinseycroppedA near-capacity audience gathered at the Marin County Board of Supervisors meeting on December 13 to recognize outgoing District 4 Supervisor Steve Kinsey for his 20 years of public service.

“We can’t acknowledge enough the years of service, of guidance, of vision you’ve provided to those of us who believe in walking and biking,“ said MCBC’s Executive Director, Jim Elias, who presented Kinsey with an MCBC jersey. “I thank you personally for that. Your vision and stick-to-itiveness has been a model for future leadership.”

“One of the golden rules in conservation is you always leave a place in better shape than when you arrived,” said Off-Road Director Tom Boss. “Steve has done that on a massive scale for the people of Marin.”

From the beginning, MCBC worked closely with Kinsey to help establish Marin County as a national leader in active transportation through the development of Safe Routes to Schools and the receipt of $25M in federal funds for the Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program.

Kinsey, who served as a Commissioner for the Transportation Authority of Marin and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) since 1998, was lauded by MCBC staff and others for his work as a champion for active transportation, conservation, and access to open space.


Kinsey (second from left) at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Cal Park Hill Tunnel in 2010. Photo courtesy of walkbikemarin.org.

Kinsey’s role at MTC was particularly important in bringing regional funds to Marin County for projects like Cal Park Hill Tunnel and the recently-completed Central Marin Ferry Connector Bridge.

His love of the outdoors and Marin County’s natural beauty has been well-documented; Kinsey once spent a week hiking, biking, paddling, and camping around his district. He was a staunch supporter for the Bay Area Ridge Trail and Bay Trail, helping secure funding for and closing significant gaps in both.

He was also key to the County’s preparation of the Road and Trail Management Plan, helping guide efforts to restore open space while also improving connectivity and access for all user groups.

Along the way, Kinsey was recognized as an MCBC Bicycle Superhero in 2002 and as a Rail-Trail Champion by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy in 2011.

“The future for our country depends on taking on these kinds of challenges,” said Kinsey at the 2010 opening for the Cal Park Hill Tunnel. “Giving people healthier opportunities to include exercise in their mobility, to reduce fuel consumption, and to have a whole lot of fun while they’re moving around.”

His contributions to on and off-road bicycling in Marin County will be appreciated for generations to come.

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