Reimagine Mt. Tam One Step Closer To Singletrack On Mt. Tam

Last winter, the Marin Water Watershed Committee received a presentation of the draft Watershed Recreation Management Planning Feasibility Study. The Watershed Committee approved evaluating pilot programs to allow mountain bike access on singletrack trails and Class 1 E-bikes on the watershed. This is HUGE. We are now one step closer to singletrack on Mt. Tam!

Boy speaking at Marin Water Rec Plan Meeting in Feb 2024

Our next opportunity to show up and speak up in support of these pilot programs is approaching. 

The framework for the Trails Pilot Study and Class I E-bike Pilot Study will be presented at the next Watershed Committee Meeting on Thursday, June 20th.

WHEN: Thursday, June 20th at 9:30 AM

WHERE: Board Room – 220 Nellen Avenue, Corte Madera or Zoom


At this meeting, we don’t expect specific trails to be mentioned (although it’s possible!), but we do hope to get a sense of the types of trails they plan to include in the Pilot Study including the screening process for designation. We also expect to hear more details on what conditions, trail-sharing strategies, and data collection they plan to consider or implement.

There are many existing trails on the watershed that could support bicycles, and with thoughtful planning, this could be done with little chance of user conflict or erosion.

Woman riding a mountain bike on mt. Tam fire roadThe E-bike study will likely be similar to one floated a few years ago where they will treat Class I E-bikes like traditional bicycles where they are currently allowed. The study would likely include data collection and surveys during the study period, like the Interim E-Bike Special Use Permit considered in 2020.

Throughout this process, we’ve noticed and would like to highlight:

  • Marin Water has been diligent in approaching these pilot programs and listening to the community’s voices

  • Trail-sharing methods can mitigate conflicts

  • Bikes have limited impact on wildlife and trail conditions

Please join the meeting and voice optimistic support for the pilot studies!

Stay updated on MCBC’s Reimagine Mt. Tam initiative. Help get us one step closer to singletrack trails on Mt. Tam by signing up here. You can also support this and all our bicycle-related work by becoming an MCBC member.

Join the Team

Help us create a more inclusive trail system for all users. Sign up here to join the Reimagine Mt. Tam Local Team.

members make it happen

We’re working to make Marin more bike-friendly for people of all ages and abilities. Are you with us?

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