Our Work Help Win Protected Bike Lanes on E. Blithedale

The City of Mill Valley is gearing up to rehabilitate East Blithedale between Downtown and Highway 101 over the next several years, starting with the stretch between Camino Alto and 101 next summer. Your voice will be needed to ensure the project moves forward with robust bicycling improvements–including protected bike lanes!

As with Miller Avenue, this is an opportunity to transform a busy, car-dominated corridor into one that is more accommodating for people on foot and bike. This project presents us with the first opportunity to begin progress toward a protected bike route linking the Mill Valley-Sausalito Pathway with Tiburon’s Old Rail Trail in order to create a seamless connection between two of Marin County’s most popular multi-use pathways. Caltrans will address the stretch east of 101 in 2024 (more on that below).

our Priorities

Install protected bike lanes between the Mill-Valley Sausalito Pathway and 101.

MCBC has repeatedly asked the City to improve proposals from standard to protected bike lanes between the Mill Valley-Sausalito Pathway and 101. E. Blithedale is far too busy of a road to justify anything less than protected bike lanes, which would provide some form of vertical protection (such as a curb or bollards) and help make this route more suitable for people of all ages and ability levels.

Add traffic calming and diversion to create a bike boulevard on Ashford Avenue between Meadow and Lomita.

The City will route people riding westbound onto Ashford Avenue due to limited right-of-way on E. Blithedale west of the intersection of Ashford/Blithedale/Meadow. Though City proposals will eliminate the fast-moving vehicle exit from E. Blithedale onto Ashford and require drivers to take a slower turn into the neighborhood, we believe the City can and should do more to discourage cut-through traffic and turn Ashford Avenue into a true bike boulevard.

sign-up for advocacy alerts

We will need your help winning these improvements! Please sign-up for advocacy alerts using the form below and we’ll tell you when/how to support our efforts.

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more information

what about the rest of e. blithedale?

Following improvements east of Camino Alto, the City will turn its focus to the stretch west of Camino Alto. Many of you have spoken in support of improved bicycle connectivity between Downtown and the Sycamore neighborhood bikeway, the removal of parking between Ryan and Elm Avenues to create more space for people on foot and bike, improved bicycle/pedestrian access to Park Elementary School, and improved bicycle/pedestrian crossings throughout the corridor.

Sign-up for advocacy alerts using the form above to find out when/how to voice your opinion on the future of E. Blithedale between Camino Alto and Downtown.

what about tiburon boulevard?

Caltrans will repave the length of Tiburon Boulevard (including the 101 interchange) in 2024, presenting an opportunity to reconfigure the roadway and provide robust bicycling improvements. MCBC is pushing Caltrans for protected/buffered bike lanes between 101 and Blackie’s Pasture, which would establish a safe route linking the Mill Valley-Sausalito Pathway with Tiburon’s Old Rail Trail, two of Marin’s most popular multi-use pathways.

Again, sign-up for advocacy alerts using the form above to find out when/how to voice your support for a more bike-friendly Tiburon Boulevard.

For More Information about the E. blithedale rehab project

Visit the City’s project webpage here.

members make it happen

We’re working to make Marin more bike-friendly for people of all ages and abilities. Are you with us?

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