efficient, safe, & affordable Transportation Equity Package – Email Your Reps
Join MCBC and our state and national bicycle allies in support of the Transportation Equity Package. Together, we want to ensure that state transportation resources are directed to rectify unjust policies of the past. That includes making bicycling, walking, and riding transit more efficient, safe, and affordable. You can take action to support these bills now, to support your vision of California’s future.
These bills make up the Transportation Equity Package:
AB 2332 (E. Garcia)
California spends billions of dollars every year on highways that divide neighborhoods, worsen air pollution, promote climate change, and put vulnerable road users at risk, especially in disadvantaged communities. This bill would ensure that California’s highway investments provide benefits to the transportation and safety needs of residents in those communities, needs identified by community members themselves through strong public participation. In addition, those highway investments would also have to create good jobs for low-income individuals and others with barriers to employment.
AB 2796 (Bloom)
This bill would establish a permanent percentage of Active Transportation Program funding to support planning in disadvantaged communities. This bill ensures that disadvantaged communities can access funding to plan future projects, as well as to pay for non-infrastructure projects such as bicycle safety education, encouragement, and engagement programs.
AB 2222 (Holden)
As public transit is getting more expensive, it’s becoming out of reach to the folks who need it the most. This bill creates a Transit Pass Program to provide discounted transit passes for students and residents of affordable housing, encouraging greater transit ridership and reducing driving.
AB 1982 (Bloom)
The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (Cap-and-Trade revenues) currently funds sophisticated traffic light timing that makes it easier to drive at higher speeds. This induces more driving and reduces safety for vulnerable road users—contrary to our greenhouse gas reduction goals. This bill will ensure that low-speed signal timing is also eligible. Timing lights at 12-15 mph will make streets safer and more convenient for people traveling by bicycle, on foot, or on the bus.