Reimagine Mt. Tam Watershed Pilot Program Moves Forward

Marin Water held its Watershed Committee Meeting on June 20th to share progress and next steps for the pilot program that will open selected singletrack trails to bikes.

Watershed Pilot Program Moves Forward

We had a strong turnout and many supporters of the pilot program provided insightful comments. The Watershed Committee shared the trails being considered, the screening process for each, and the data they aim to collect during the pilot program.

You can watch the recording of the meeting here.

Here is the list of potential trails to be included:

Watershed Pilot Program

These trails are undergoing additional screening to take each visitor group’s experience into consideration with the goal of enhancing connectivity and providing a range of technical difficulties.

Trail sharing strategies being considered include grouping by user type whereby certain trails would only be shared with one other use group–for example, hikers and cyclists, or hikers and horses. Other options include directional restrictions (up or downhill only) or allowing bikes on specific trails on specific days of the week.

Monitoring during the pilot will include installing trail counters, mapping invasive plants, documenting trail conditions, surveying visitors on their experience during the pilot, and increasing ranger patrols on the pilot and non-pilot trails.

Marin Water is working on these items as well as CEQA compliance and advancing other strategic opportunities and will have an update at the next Watershed Committee Meeting scheduled for September 19th, 2024 9:30 am. 

We are excited to see this moving forward as it is clear our voices are being heard and Marin Water is serious about including cyclists in the future of the Watershed. We will continue to show up and demonstrate our commitment to being good stewards of the land and partners on the trails. 

Stay updated on MCBC’s Reimagine Mt. Tam initiative. Help get us one step closer to singletrack trails on Mt. Tam by signing up here. You can also support this and all our bicycle-related work by becoming an MCBC member.

Join the Team

Help us create a more inclusive trail system for all users. Sign up here to join the Reimagine Mt. Tam Local Team.

members make it happen

We’re working to make Marin more bike-friendly for people of all ages and abilities. Are you with us?

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