Transportation Archive

Bike Parking at Marin Town Halls – Rated!

We decided to visit every city or town hall in Marin and give a letter grade based on the quality and quantity of the bicycle parking. Which cities welcome bicyclists into the halls of power and give them the cold shoulder? Read on to find out!

Cory’s Ride Fall 2024 Update

We continue our weekly after-school rides at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academy in Sausalito/Marin City. Every Wednesday, we invite 6th through 8th-grade students for an afternoon filled with cycling, learning, and fun.

Cory’s Ride Summer 2024 Update

Sixteen enthusiastic students from Davidson Middle School and San Rafael High School have successfully graduated from the Summer Academy hosted by Next Generation Scholars. The culmination of this program was marked by the students completing the comprehensive Cory’s Ride classes, equipping them with essential skills and knowledge for safe and enjoyable biking.

Can My Teen Still Ride Their E-Bike? A Breakdown of the Marin Civil Grand Jury Report

In April 2024, the Marin County Civil Grand Jury released a report about e-bike safety highlighting the potential risks to Marin’s teenage e-bike riders. Towns and cities across the county are being asked to respond to the report’s findings and detail whether or not they will implement its recommendations. Read our detailed and insightful take on the findings.