Richmond-San Rafael Bridge E-Bike Discount for R-SR Bridge Commuters
Have you been looking to upgrade your ride to an electric bike? If you’re an e-bike commuter over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, you may be eligible for a discount.
Have you been looking to upgrade your ride to an electric bike? Whether you’re trying to knock a few minutes off your commute, are tired of showing up to the office with a sweaty brow, or have had one too many battles with a headwind, electric bikes can be a game-changer for those who bike to work or school. The improved efficiency and comfort of electric bikes, not to mention the environmental benefits of leaving your car at home, has led to a rapidly growing number of e-bike riders. So if you’ve been wanting to make the switch and your commute takes you over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, you may be eligible for a sweet discount on a new electric bike. Read on to see if you qualify.
What Is It?
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is offering a new incentive for bike purchases: The Richmond-San Rafael Bridge E-Bike Commute Program. This program helps local commuters have a more efficient and enjoyable trip, while reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, and increasing mobility options for adults of all ages, incomes, and fitness levels.
Who is eligible?
Eligible commuters can earn up to $1,000 off an e-bike purchase. So who exactly qualifies? If you commute to work or school over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, live, work, or go to school in a qualifying zip code, are at least 18 years old, and meet income requirements, this program may be for you!
Below you can see charts for zip code and income requirements. Please go to for the most recent information and program requirements. Click here to see the program flyers in English and Spanish.
Which E-Bikes Are Eligible?
Class 1 and Class 2 electric bikes purchased from participating bike shops are eligible for this program. Class 3 e-bikes, used e-bikes, and online purchases will not be covered.
Learn More
If you’d like to learn more about this program, and see if you qualify, check out You can also send an email to, or call (415) 778-5314 to leave a message.
Not Eligible?
For those who don’t qualify for the RSR Bridge E-Bike Commute Program, keep your eyes out for updates from the California Air Resources Board (CARB), which will be launching its own statewide e-bike incentive program in the second quarter of 2023. CARB is still finalizing the details of their program, and we’ll share more with you as the launch date approaches. In the meantime, head over to CalBike for the latest information.
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