MCBC’s Road Program lies at the heart of our efforts to create a healthy, connected, and sustainable Marin through bicycling. We advocate vigorously to make bicycling safe and convenient for people of all ages and abilities through better infrastructure.
what we do
Promote and advocate for a vision of connected bike routes protected or separated from vehicle traffic, with a focus on the North-South Greenway, as well as key east-west connections.
Represent Marin’s bicycling community at the local, regional, and state levels on policy, planning, and funding matters.
Educate advocates, elected officials, and agency staff on best practices in bikeway design and delivery.
active Campaigns
This list is not exhaustive, but includes several active campaigns that we have identified as our highest near-term priorities.
Downtown-Hanna Ranch Pathway (Novato)
Bellam Blvd. Protected Bike Lanes (San Rafael)
Mill Valley-Sausalito Pathway Sea Level Rise Adaptation (Mill Valley/Sausalito)
Golden Gate Bridge Connections (Sausalito)
get involved
Click here to contact Warren Wells, Policy & Planning Director.