MCBC Classes Smart Cycling

MCBC’s Smart Cycling (formerly Basic Street Skills) class teaches you to ride more safely. It can also be used to reduce your traffic citation fee.

Smart Cycling is for anyone who would like to learn the rules of the road. You can take the class for informational purposes only, not just to reduce a citation fine.

What is Smart Cycling

Our Smart Cycling class will teach you the laws and best practices to make you a more confident cyclist on our roads. We will cover the essential tenets of cycling on roadways: being visible, predictable, and following the law. Our classes are taught by experienced League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors with extensive knowledge of cycling in Marin. Whether you ride for exercise, fun, or to commute, join us to learn how you can become a more confident and prepared cyclist!

To register for an UPCOMING class, click here.

If you’re taking the class to reduce your citation fee, you must first pay your fine in full and have a docket/case number. 

Please choose your attendance date carefully! No class fee refunds may be issued within 5 days of class date unless the session is canceled due to low registration. (An email notification will be sent 48 hours prior to the class date if canceled.)

For updates about future class dates

If you have not yet paid your citation fee and received a docket / case number, you cannot take the class yet. To sign up for updates about upcoming class dates, please submit your information below:

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MCBC Smart CyclingAbout the class

Smart Cycling, formerly Basic Street Skills, is a class designed to help teach best practises on the to make you a more confident cyclist on our roads. Cyclists are the most vulnerable users of public roads; this class will teach you how to ride and drive defensively and avoid road rage behaviors. These classes also allow bicycle traffic citation fee reduction through class attendance and are held multiple times per year in Marin County.

In just two hours, this powerpoint and interactive presentation will teach participants to safely and confidently use a bicycle for transportation. Topics covered include how to avoid crashes and citations, improve visibility, ride through intersections, the legal rights, and obligations of cyclists, and more. Drivers benefit from the class as well, by learning how and why bicycles maneuver on the roads.

A bicycle is not necessary for the class. Smart Cycling classes are currently being offered on Zoom.

Traffic Ticket Reduction

Smart Cycling classes uniquely allow bicycle traffic infraction citation fee reduction through class attendance.

This partnership with Marin County Superior Court is the second of its kind in the Bay Area to provide bicycle education as a traffic court option. Cyclists that receive a citation/infraction on a bicycle that is a “California Vehicle Code violation” are permitted by the Marin County Court to attend a Smart Cycling class to have their fees partially refunded.

Only bicyclists who plead guilty and forfeit their bail are eligible for attending the Smart Cycling class to get their fine/bail reduced.

How it works:

  • The Marin County Superior Court will refund a portion of the traffic infraction citation fee upon the successful completion of the class (refunds depend on each defendant’s circumstances).

  • The amount of the fine must be paid in full before attending the SMART CYCLING class.

  • Cyclists that receive an off-road citation/infraction (any municipal code violation) are not eligible for a fee reduction unless the infraction is a “California Vehicle Code Violation”.

  • Please bring a copy of your citation to the class for inclusion on your Certificate of Attendance. Please read through the Traffic Citation Fee Reduction information.

Class Instructor

Tyler Randazzo

Tyler joined is Lead Instructor for Safe Routes to Schools Marin and teaches students about the benefits of walking and rolling to school and learning how to ride safely on the road. He is a League Cycling Instructor (LCI), bicycle mechanic, and enjoys riding on the roads and trails around the Bay Area.


STRICK LAW has partnered with MCBC to help advocate for safer bike routes throughout Marin and to promote greater education on how to stay safe on two wheels. Their lawyers fight for cyclists’ rights in individual cases, and through the political process working to improve infrastructure design in our local communities.

STRICK LAW is a law firm is based in San Rafael, representing people who have been injured or lost a loved one. Their lawyers, who include a former professional road racer, regularly bike commute and ride extensively throughout Marin county. They understand the many benefits of cycling. They also know the rules of the road and just how vulnerable riders can be in traffic.

Register for a Smart Cycling Class

Clicking this button will take you to our secure registration page, where you may register for a specific Smart Cycling session, or you can be a part of the MCBC Experience and receive a reduced class fee.