news Jensie Gran Fondo of Marin Enjoys Superb Conditions

The 2nd Annual Jensie Gran Fondo of Marin was blessed with perfect conditions, a great turnout of riders (and some surprise guests!) and glorious courses.  We’re thankful to our amazing volunteers, who staffed rest stops, stuffed bags and assisted riders throughout the day!  MCBC Executive Director Jim Elias had a chance to interview Jens Voigt at the post-ride expo, everyone complimented the food and refreshments and we were all impressed by the enthusiasm of everyone.

A special thanks and “Welcome” to those new members who became a part of the MCBC Experience by joining us over the event weekend!  We look forward to sharing the ride with you!

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More photos of individual riders can be found by visiting the Endurance Sport Photo site – over 7,500 images from the day!


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