Comments Needed Miller Avenue Bike Lanes Return to Council Monday
When we last checked in with you about Miller Avenue in 2017, we were pleased to report a hard-fought victory that resulted in the installation of temporary buffered bike lanes in the Parkway section, establishing a safe connection between downtown and Camino Alto.
This Monday, March 4, the Council is set to review that pilot project and make a decision on the permanent configuration of Miller Avenue between Millwood and Willow Streets. Opposition is once again mounting an attack and pressuring the Council to revert back to two lanes, even though the traffic studies show that the one lane configuration hasn’t resulted in any adverse traffic impacts.
We need your help to ensure the buffered bike lanes remain in place permanently.
Comments needed
Please take a moment to write the Council using the form below. We recommend using these three simple talking points:
Thank the Council for approving the pilot in 2017.
Ask that they continue to prioritize bicycle and pedestrian safety by preserving the one-lane configuration with buffered bike lanes.
Share your experience using this section of Miller Avenue by bike, car, and on foot since the street was redesigned.
In response to a joint advocacy effort from community members and MCBC, the Mill Valley City Council voted in 2017 to move forward with a one-lane pilot configuration on both sides of Miller Avenue in the ‘Parkway’ section, between Millwood and Willow Streets (highlighted below). The project was approved as a pilot because it was a departure from the adopted plan, which would have resulted in two vehicle lanes and narrow, non-buffered bike lanes.
Traffic studies have since confirmed the pilot configuration’s safety benefits and found no adverse traffic impacts.
Council decision
The question before the Council is a nuanced one, with several needs to consider, including bicycle and pedestrian safety, emergency evacuation, and neighborhood parking. Here are the options before the Council:
Two travel lane configuration (the approved Streetscape Plan) – MCBC note: this would return the roadway to two lanes in each direction, resulting in a narrowed bike lane with no buffer.
One travel lane/existing configuration (the current pilot configuration).
One travel lane configuration modified to prohibit curbside parking during nighttime hours and/or certain times of year.
One travel lane configuration modified to eliminate all curbside parking.
Staff recommended configuration: One travel lane configuration modified to eliminate outbound curbside parking (maintain inbound parking).
The only configuration that would eliminate the buffered bike lanes and revert back to a standard bike lane is Option 1 (“Two travel lane configuration”).
For more information about the project, check out the City’s project update. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Policy & Planning Director, Bjorn Griepenburg (