news Riding in Pt. Reyes? No More Than 10!

Cyclists on social rides to the Pt. Reyes Lighthouse and other popular destinations within the Point Reyes National Seashore have been reporting encounters with rangers when their group numbers have gone to eleven.  While there is some confusion about when the policy was officially adopted, the result has been clear – rides with more than ten members have been pulled over and told to break into smaller groups.

Though seemingly unique to that area, it does appear to be an enforceable National Park Service policy.

The NPS Pt. Reyes section of their website states:
“The maximum number of bicyclists in any one group is 10. Larger groups of cyclists will have to divide into groups no larger than 10.”

According to the page and NPS memos, “This size restriction is necessary for the safety of cyclists using public roadways and authorized trails within the Park. These roadways and trails are narrow and winding and will not safely accommodate large numbers of bicyclists.”

At this point, MCBC is working to get the word out to members and other people who may be riding in this area. We will advise of any further developments on this issue.

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