Pedestrian Summer Detours for Cyclists in Marin

Although one of the most popular features of the MCBC website is our bi-weekly “Cycling Detours…” article about weird news from the world of cycling, these are detours of the literal kind.  In addition to the major Miller Avenue Streetscape renovation now underway, here are a few other places where you may have to amend your planned route a bit during these repairs and projects.

Ross-Kentfield Corte Madera Creek Pathway Improvement Project

Status: Underway now through August 18, 2016

As we reported in a recent article and MCBC Email Alert, this effort will widen the path and improve sight lines between the north end of College of Marin and the Ross Post Office.  The path is currently closed. Cyclists and pedestrians are being diverted from the closed section of the path and completely around the parking lot on College and Kent Avenue.

Corte Madera Bike Path Closure Near Bon Air Road/South Elisio Drive

Corte Madera Creek Project 2016Status: Scheduled August to November, 2016

This project replaces a single 60-inch culvert upstream of the Bon Air Bridge with three 60-inch culverts. These culverts will allow more tidal flow into the marsh and increase the tidal prism in Corte Madera Creek.

The work will also create new marsh habitat by exchanging hard, gravelly soil that has no vegetation with better soil and replanting with native species. The project will close and re-plant social paths too close to habitat for the endangered Ridgway’s rail (formerly known as the California clapper rail). The culvert replacement is scheduled to begin in August of 2016.

During construction, a portion of the Corte Madera Creek bike path will be closed. A detour will be provided around the work site. Use care when planning your trip and use caution with other users during the changed conditions.

Novato Bike Path at Stafford Lake

Novato Bike Path Closure DetailStatus: Scheduled July 11 through August 31, 2016 (Rescheduled from last month)

The Novato Bike Path will be closed to all public use west of the Indian Valley Golf Club entrance near the Stafford Lake Dam through to the end of the path at the Stafford Lake Park border (approximately 3,000 feet). Marin County Parks and Marin County Public Works will have a contractor working to repair portions of the path, slope and retaining walls.

Sections of the walls supporting the path have failed, damaging the pathway pavement. The project includes reconstructing retaining walls, replacing damaged pavement and replacing protective fencing.

Repairs will occur in specific locations along the pathway, but equipment and personnel will use the entire path through this section for construction work and equipment. At times, traffic control on the Novato Boulevard will also be necessary.

Please avoid entering the work areas, even during non-working periods, as hazardous conditions exist.

MCBC “How to Report a Hazard” Resource

If you encounter hazards on the roadway (or trail), use this list to find the most appropriate agency to contact.

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