Fall 2024 Legislative Roundup
A number of exciting new laws passed in California this year. Read what’s new and what got vetoed by the governor.
A number of exciting new laws passed in California this year. Read what’s new and what got vetoed by the governor.
A number of exciting new laws passed in California this year. Read what’s new and what got vetoed by the governor.
In late May, MCBC Off-Road Director Tom Boss took part in what was inarguably the most epic Mountain Bike Advocate Lobby Day to date – meeting with California State Senators and Assembly members and directly asking for their support of key changes.
Two key pieces of California legislation are the recently passed SB1, which will provide transportation funds, and pending AB1103, which would allow people on bikes to yield at stop signs.
AB 2509 allows cyclists to ride side by side on designated bikeways.