A Note from Tom, Off-Road Director 2020 Off-Road Program Highlights
Each year, MCBC’s Off-Road Program works to expand and enhance mountain biking opportunities through education, environmental stewardship, and trail development. In 2020, following years of advocacy, education, negotiation, and collaboration, the MCBC team helped deliver several plans and improvements that we’re proud of. We also put together a few (socially-distanced) rides and events that were pretty darn fun, if we say so ourselves. Here are the top highlights from MCBC’s Off-Road Program in 2020:
BILl’S trail opens to bikes
Following years of persistent advocacy and trail work, Bill’s Trail finally opened to bikes in 2020! This flowy stretch of multi-use trail traverses through a wooded canyon on the north side of Mount Barnabe in Samuel P. Taylor. It’s one of the most scenic bike-legal trail experiences in the county. NOTE: The trail will be closed each winter to prevent damage to the trail tread and to reduce sedimentation into the nearby creek, which is prime habitat for the endangered Coho Salmon. The trail closed on Dec. 15 and will reopen early spring. Read More >>
ponti ridge trail now open!
The new Ponti Ridge Trail near Marinwood creates sinuosity along a scenic ridgeline and is a very bike-friendly trail. The project decommissioned an erosive fire road, which will enhance habitats of oak trees and native grasses. Read More >>
Bob Middagh TRAIL reversal
We had a win in court with the reversal of a poor ruling on Bob Middagh Trail in Mill Valley. This cleared the way for its adoption as a bike-legal trail and set key legal precedent for future change-in-use proposals. We hope to see the “no bikes” sign removed in the near future. Read More >>
Big win for trails in Point Reyes
Thanks to the hard work and support of our Marin County Bicycle Coalition members, the National Park Service released a General Management Plan Amendment which will serve as a framework to enhance public access and improve connectivity in Point Reyes National Seashore over the next 30 years. This high-level guiding document enables enhanced access to existing ranch roads in non-wilderness areas of our public lands in Point Reyes. MCBC will work together with park staff and stakeholders to close gaps and create loops to make Point Reyes into a truly world-class cycling destination for bike touring, bike packing, gravel riding and cross-country mountain biking. Read More >>
Here’s the cherry on top: the Azalea Hill Trail Project was recently awarded $700,000 from the Recreational Trails Program. MCBC was instrumental in advocating for these federal dollars for this project, and now MMWD can complete the new connector trail between Mount Tam and Pine Mountain as well as habitat restoration and visitor improvements. Read More >>
Looking forward to 2021, we’ll focus on completing the Easy Grade Trail on Mount Tam, start to develop new gravel routes at Point Reyes National Seashore, and work on a reroute project on Olema Valley Trail. One project in 2021 that’s close to MCBC Off-Road Director Tom Boss’s heart is advancing a XC race course at Stafford Lake so Marin can host a NorCal High School Cycling League race in the near future.
All of the great results you read about above are made possible by you, our members. Not a member? Join Marin County Bicycle Coalition today and enable an even better 2021!