news Breaking Away With the SRHS Dawgs!

With the recent rains, we are hearing sad tales of countless riders banished to their garage, trying to grind out miles while watching old Tour stages on their phones.

Here’s a better option – register for this Sunday’s 2nd annual Breaking Away with the Bike Dawgs fundraising event at Pelo Fitness for a special on-the-bike screening of the Oscar-winning cycling classic – “Breaking Away”.

If the challenges of Dave Stoller, the Cutters and the “Little Indy” doesn’t get your heart racing, we don’t know what will!

How many miles can you log during this epic 2-hour endurance session? You’ll never know if you don’t sign up and pedal!

Ride solo or form a team. Prizes will be awarded in various categories, including the grand prize of bragging rights for most miles cranked out.

Space is limited so book your bike now! All money raised goes towards San Rafael High School MTB team training, scholarships, race fees, and equipment.  $40 for solo rider; $80 for team of 4 or more

WHAT: Breaking Away with the Bike Dawgs Fundraiser
WHEN: Sunday, February 12
HOW: Register here –

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