MCBC Members Make it Happen! Headlands Pilot Complete – MCBC & SFBC Now Involved
We make a great team. Thanks to your comments and calls, MCBC and San Francisco Bicycle Coalition will have a seat at the table as NPS and partner agencies plan next steps for transportation in the Marin Headlands. Together, we’ll ensure that people can enjoy one of the Bay Area’s popular road rides for decades to come.
Golden Gate National Recreation Area / National Parks Service (NPS) concluded its 17-day pilot on July 16, returning circulation back to normal conditions. Though delineator posts remain in stretches adjacent to the two lower parking areas, spacing has been increased to allow for safe passing. And, crucially, those leaving the bike lane to avoid debris or pass other cyclists will not have to worry about oncoming traffic.
MCBC and SFBC are scheduled to meet with NPS leadership in mid-August, and we intend to be actively involved in the planning process moving forward.
“Bicyclists from Marin and San Francisco love this iconic landmark far too much to turn it into a hazardous parking lot. Thanks to everyone who spoke up on behalf of a safe and inspiring Headlands experience,” said Jim Elias, MCBC’s Executive Director.
Together, we made a difference. In addition to sending a strong message that people biking in a National Recreation Area deserve more room, not less, and safer riding conditions, many of you provided detailed feedback that we hope will help guide NPS’ approach to future transportation projects. Help us continue to enhance and expand your riding opportunities by joining or giving today: