Who We Are MCBC Welcomes Rich Petersen As Board Chair

We are thrilled to welcome Rich Petersen as MCBC’s new Board Chair. Read about outgoing Board Chair, Steve Giondomenica and incoming Chair Rich Petersen.

After four years as the Chair of our board, Steve Giondomenica is stepping down from the position. In these four years, plus the two prior serving as a board member, Steve has seen a significant growth in momentum and progress when it comes to making cycling in Marin more accessible and safe for the members of our community. 

Outgoing Board Chair Steve GiondomenicaAs Chair, Steve has accomplished many things, but what he says is his greatest accomplishment, because it has led to an empowered and successful leadership team and staff moving MCBC forward faster and farther than in many years prior, is the hiring of Tarrell Kullaway as MCBC’s Executive Director. He says “the board helps for sure but, in the end, it’s all about the MCBC staff.”

His vision for the position of chair when he started was simple but important: make a difference in Marin. Through the measurable increase in health, scale, and strength of MCBC alongside the addition of Cory’s Ride, Steve is leaving the position of Chair grateful and confident in the organization’s ability to continue to execute this vision for years to come. 

However, Steve emphasizes that MCBC’s work is never really done. We have to constantly strive for greater impact and change. As Steve puts it “the goal is always greater impact, greater scale – most importantly, by significantly enhancing MCBC’s financial strength, we are adding staff and driving old and new missions over the line. It’s this incremental progress that will better Marin every day for those of us who love cycling!”

Of course, while we are thankful for Steve’s years of service and feel lucky that he is staying on as a board member for the foreseeable future, we are also beyond excited to be welcoming a new MCBC Board Chair in Rich Petersen!

Incoming Board Chair Rich Petersen

Rich is a Partner at Easterly Investment Partners, a father of three kids (one in college and two headed to college this coming fall), and an avid enjoyer of cooking, travel, skiing, and of course biking, who loves riding in Marin because “it is uniquely beautiful and accessible.” He has served on the board for five years in a variety of positions, most recently as chair of the Off-road Committee, and was eager to accept the Chair position when it was offered to him.

Rich shares his vision for the Chair with the words “to give our amazing staff and members everything they need to make Marin better for cyclists” and he is confident that MCBC has the ability to continue growing and supporting “everyone– from diehard commuters to casual sunday riders– they can all benefit from supporting MCBC in order to make Marin a better place to ride and live.” 

Welcome, Rich as Board Chair of MCBC.

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