MCBC Sponsor Focus Clif Bar & Company: Born on a Bike

Throughout Marin county and the greater Bay Area, businesses, organizations and individuals continue to recognize the key role that a person on a bicycle can play in improving our community. As a small “thank-you” for their enthusiasm for MCBC efforts, we will be highlighting a variety of key sponsors that play an integral role in supporting the MCBC Experience…

clif_GaryKitMezzanine H10About Clif Bar & Company

Clif Bar & Company is a leading maker of nutritious and organic foods and drinks, including CLIF® Bar energy bar, LUNA®, The Whole Nutrition Bar for Women®; and CLIF Kid®, Nourishing Kids in Motion®. Focused on sports nutrition and snacks for adventure, the family and employee-owned company is committed to sustaining its people, brands, business, community and planet. For more information on Clif Bar & Company, please visit, check out our Facebook page at and follow us on Twitter at:

clif_HQ from Mezzanine 2 H13CLIF & Cycling

Clif Bar & Company has a long history supporting the sport of cycling. The idea for CLIF® Bar was born on a bike and the sport is embedded in the company’s culture and heritage. CLIF Bar sponsors cyclists and bike events at all levels of competition, from amateur to professional athletes, and from grassroots events to major national competitions, both in road and mountain biking. CLIF Bar selects athletes and teams who excel in their sport and embody the brand’s spirit of adventure, where the journey is just as important as the finish line.

CLIF’s Support of Employees’ Biking

At Clif Bar & Company, we support our employees on their personal journeys toward sustainability by offering incentive programs that encourage them to adopt planet-friendly practices in their everyday lives.

Cool Commute Incentives

Launched in 2006, the Clif Bar & Company Cool Commute program includes the nation’s first-ever biodiesel incentive program for employees. It rewards employees for biking, walking, carpooling, taking public transit and driving a biodiesel, electric, natural-gas fueled, or high mileage/low emission hybrid or gas vehicle.

clif_Bike to Work H13

Commuter Bike Purchase

Clif Bar & Company provides employees with up to $500 toward the purchase of a commuter bike or to make commute-related retrofits to an existing bike. To receive this benefit, employees must agree to commute by bike at least twice a month or pledge to ride a bike frequently on their own time for short trips near home.

clif_Bikes in Hallway H13Alternative Transportation Rewards

Employees who commute to work on foot, by bike, on public transportation or in carpools can earn up to $1,500 a year in rewards for eliminating cars from their commutes. Tracked quarterly, employees earn points that can be redeemed for a variety of rewards including transit vouchers, extra cash in their paycheck, Clif gear, massages, chiropractic and acupuncture treatments and meals in the company cafe. They can also use their points to purchase climate offsets, including NativeEnergy wind energy credits, and trees planted by American Forests, a non-profit that protects and restores the environment by planting and caring for trees.

Look for more profiles of supporting businesses and companies that are a key part of the MCBC Experience and sponsor our efforts to advance the common good of cycling for a better Marin.

Editor’s Note: These interviews represent the words and opinions of the featured sponsor. As such, the views expressed in this profile do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition.

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