Planning continues on North Marin's trail network RTMP REGION 4 Public WORKSHOP to ID New Trail Options
Planning continues on North Marin’s trail network
MCBC sees big potential for the adoption of non-system trails on Mt. Burdell and at Rush Creek.
WE NEED YOU THERE to comment and support any bike trail designations proposed!
Saturday, May 13 from 1-3 PM
Join MCBC at the Marin County Region 4 Trails Workshop this Saturday, May 13 as we work to adopt non-system trails for future riding. Region 4 is the area north of Novato which includes Mount Burdell, Rush Creek, Deer Island, Indian Tree, Little Mountain and Verissmo Hills preserves.
Scope of Meeting:
The workshop only addresses an initial designation of roads and trails from the network of existing system and non-system trails in the preserves in and around Novato. New trails and change-in-use proposals are not part of this step and can only happen once the Initial Road and Trail Designation has been adopted. You are encouraged to share ideas for change in use and new trail proposals at the workshop, but those actions are not being considered during the initial designation process. MCBC is already working on one change-in-use project on Mt. Burdell and plans to announce the joint proposal on May 13.
WHAT: Region 4 Workshop
WHERE: Margaret Todd Senior Center, 1560 Hill Road, Novato
WHEN: Saturday, May 13 – from 1-3 PM
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