news Slate of Biking, Walking Improvements on Horizon in San Rafael

San Rafael’s Downtown – particularly the area closest to the freeway – remains the most dangerous place to walk and bike in Marin County. MCBC continues to closely monitor several plans and projects with the potential to greatly improve the ease and safety with which people walk and bike.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan

San Rafael is still in the process of updating its Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP), which serves as its blueprint for near-, mid-, and long-term projects that will improve the safety and convenience of walking and bicycling. MCBC continues to advocate for an all ages and abilities bicycle network through Downtown that provides connectivity between primary bike routes, such as the North-South Greenway, Bay Trail, and Cross-Marin Bikeway.

You can click on the projects in the map below to learn more about our proposals:

Look for MCBC to provide updates and advocacy alerts following the release of the Draft BPMP in the coming weeks.


2nd to Andersen Multi-Use Pathway

As noted back in February, construction of the 2nd to Andersen Pathway in San Rafael should commence as early as this June following an eleventh-hour effort from the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM), City of San Rafael, and County of Marin to cover a $3.5M shortfall. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission approved the funding swap needed to set this plan in motion at its March 28 meeting.

Third Street Rehabilitation Project

MCBC supporters in San Rafael, San Anselmo, and Fairfax were recently notified about a community meeting to discuss the Third Street Rehabilitation Project, which will result in the redesign of Third Street from US-101 to the 2nd/4th/Miracle Mile intersection.

This project is a major opportunity to implement a long-needed multi-use pathway along the south side of 2nd Street that would connect the relatively tame neighborhood streets (West End/Greenfield Ave. and 1st St.) that run parallel to high-traffic roadways (shown below). At the community meeting, the project team presented conceptual designs that would result in a widened sidewalk for just half of the stretch, which is unacceptable.

In the coming weeks, we will ask for the City of San Rafael’s project team to include an interim, low-cost two-way bike connection on the south side of 2nd Street, as well as a mid-term funding plan for permanent improvements. Stay tuned for an advocacy alert.

San Rafael Transit Center Relocation

The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (GGBHTD) recently kicked-off a planning process for the new San Rafael Transit Center, a project that has the potential to completely transform the area between US-101 and the downtown core for people walking and bicycling.

While construction of the new transit center is still years away, it is important that GGBHTD hears from people who walk and bike to and through the area. Please join MCBC in urging the project team to prioritize bicycle and pedestrian safety and connectivity in the project survey.

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