Help Build More Trails Two State Park Projects Need Trail Volunteers
In an effort to speed up progress on the Bill’s Trail change-in-use project, and to get the Shoreline Trail open at China Camp, MCBC is ramping up volunteer training and recruitment. We’d love to have you join our team of skilled trail building volunteers this fall!
Bill’s Trail is a beautiful 4 mile cross country trail that switchbacks down the north face of Mt. Barnabe, descending into Devil’s Gulch in Samuel P. Taylor State Park. State Parks approved a change-in-use proposal and work began in 2014 to prepare the trail for bikes and address years of deferred maintenance. Most of the work has been done by the California Conservation Corps under the supervision of State Parks. Because of the trail’s proximity to endangered Coho Salmon tributaries and spotted owl habitat, construction can only happen from August through the rainy season, which can come as early as November. In order to speed up the work, MCBC will be organizing as many workdays as possible this Fall. Dates will be announced in the next bulletin and through the MCBC Trail News Calendar.
Shoreline Trail at China Camp State Park between the ranger station and Miwok Meadows has been closed for most of the year due to a major slide. Friends of China Camp, the nonprofit that manages the park, has been given a green light to repair the slide with a gabion cage retaining wall and will need a team of volunteers to move tons of material and construct the wall.
Repair work on Shoreline Trail slide will begin on Friday, September 22 and Saturday, September 23 and include:
Transport of rock and gravel to the work site
- Shore up the foot bridge for heavy loads
- Make a chute to assist in filling the Gabions with rock and gravel
- Move the gabion panels to a work area, learn to assemble them
- Excavate the footing, prepare the ground with drainage pipes and filter cloth and install the first layer of gabions.
- Assist with the arrival and placement of the rental equipment.
We are looking for volunteers who can make the two day commitment, but anyone can volunteer for either day.
Saturday, September 23 will be a formal Champion work day. You can register on the CSPF website. This helps us plan for tools, supplies, teams, lunch, etc.
Limited free camping for volunteer workers is available for both Friday and Saturday nights. To inquire about availability, email
Both of these projects are on State Park land. If you volunteer more than two times in a year, you must have Volunteers In Parks Program (VIPP) certification. Luckily, the training is free and there is a workshop in Marin this November.
Wednesday, November 8
Time: 10 AM – 1 PM
The training will be held at the Northgate Mall – 5800 Northgate Drive, San Rafael 94903
(Park near Theatre, use Food Court Entrance, follow signs/arrows)
RSVP to Cathleen Cannon email: or call 707 769-5652 x225
All volunteers receive a free t-shirt, water bottle and lunch. In addition, volunteers who show up for 3 or more activities receive additional thank you gifts and an invitation to the Annual MCBC Volunteer Picnic held each spring.
Contact for more information on MCBC’s trail stewardship initiative or to support the program with a contribution.