MCBC Endorses the renewal of Measure A Vote Yes on Measure A on June 7th!
Measure A, the Marin Parks and Open Space funding measure will be on the June 7, 2022 ballot. We encourage you to Vote Yes on Measure A!
Measure A funds at work
Some enhancements that have been implemented with Measure A funds since it was originally passed in 2012 include:
Ponti Ridge Trail near Marinwood
Old Railroad Grade in Fairfax rerouted and a bridge was constructed at “the plunge,” enhancing a key connector trail between Loma Alta and White Hill.
New riding opportunities in Giacomini Open Space Preserve with the opening of Boulder Springs Trail, Contour Trail, Candelero Trail and Hunt Camp Trail.
Val Vista Trail and Octopus Trail built to improve flow and connectivity in Mill Valley’s Camino Alto and Blithedale Ridge Open Space Preserves.
North Marin improvements include Stafford Lake Bike Park, Eagle Rim Trail on Mount Burdell and the recently opened Blue Oak and Lucky Spur trails at Rush Creek.
Repaving of the Mill Valley-Sausalito Multi-use Pathway.
On June 7 you will have the chance to vote to extend Measure A. Measure A will ensure continued local funding to maintain parks where people live. It will work to suppress wildfire and sea level rise risks. Provide community grants and park programming. Fund the purchase of new trail easements and parks in park-poor areas. And update decades old facilities and improve wayfinding signs. And water quality protection, community gardens, and a more inclusive and sustainable trail network for people on bicycles.
On June 7th Vote Yes on Measure A!
For more information visit
Volunteer and Help Spread the Word!
MCBC is recruiting volunteers to table at the Sunday Farmers Markets and other locations now through June 7th. If you’d like to help, visit the Measure A Volunteer Form and sign-up today!
Is your home or business in a high visibility area? Or do you want to show your support for Measure A in your neighborhood? MCBC has 40 yard signs available for distribution. Please fill out the Lawn Sign Form and we’ll get one to you ASAP.
members make it happen
All of our work to make Marin more bike-friendly is powered by your generous giving. Join the team fighting on your behalf for expanded trail access today!