news Bob Middagh Trail is Now Bike Legal

UPDATE: Wayfinding signs were installed on June 10, 2021 indicating that the trail is finally open to bikes. Please be extra courteous while riding the trail, as hikers, equestrians and runners are not used to the presence of bikes. Your actions will impact future change in use proposals.

Bob Middagh Trail in Mill Valley recently overcame a series of major legal obstacles, clearing the way for its adoption as a bike-legal trail.

This  multi-use trail provides a safe, off-road connection between Alta Bowl Fire Road and the top of Camino Alto Road, enabling people to avoid riding on Camino Alto to access several open space preserves and trails leading to Mt. Tamalpais.

The trail’s change-in-use to allow people on bikes–an MCBC proposal and Marin County Parks’ first adopted change-in-use project–was meant to follow the completion of trail improvements made in 2017, but has been held up in courts due to a lawsuit challenging the County’s process.

In January 2020, the California Court of Appeal handed down a significant decision that “government agencies deciding whether to provide bicycle access to existing trails are not required to analyze ‘social effects,’ such as perceived user conflict with hikers under the California Environmental Quality Act” (CEQA). It’s important to note that the appellate court decision stated that “although not required, the District did address public concerns of user displacement and potential conflict with bikes.”

special thanks to farella Braun + Martel LLP

This positive outcome would not have been possible without the help and expertise of MCBC supporter David Lazerwitz, a partner and Chair of the Energy and Natural Resources Industry Group at Farella Braun + Martel LLP. Mr. Lazerwitz represented MCBC as amicus curiae on a pro bono basis in the Middagh Trail appeal. To read more about his work on the project, click here.

The short connector trail provides safe access for people traveling by bike between the Scott Valley Neighborhood and the Camino Alto/Blithedale Ridge Open Space Preserves in Mill Valley. For more on the project, click here.

members make it happen

All of our work to make Marin more bike-friendly is powered by your generous giving. Join the team fighting on your behalf for expanded trail access today!

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