Bob Middagh Trail is Now Bike Legal
Please be extra courteous while riding the trail, future change in use proposals will be impacted by your actions.
Please be extra courteous while riding the trail, future change in use proposals will be impacted by your actions.
Bicyclists are encouraged to say “hello” and use a bike bell on trails and pathways. Our multi-use pathways and trails are enjoyed by walkers, hikers, families, equestrians, and fellow bicyclists. To enhance safety on these shared facilities, Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC) will install a free bell on any bike without one.
Now, more than ever, we all need to advance positive interactions in our parks and open spaces. We thank those who act as outdoor ambassadors and suggest the following steps to ensure friendly interaction on the trails
Test your trail etiquette knowledge and learn how to tread lightly in our parks and open space preserves at Slow […]
Covid-19 ‘Shelter in place’ protocol Six Feet at a Minimum Everyone is required to social distance from others with a […]
Test your trail etiquette knowledge and learn how to tread lightly in our parks and open space preserves at Slow & Say Hello! trailhead outposts this summer through fall. Look for the tent on July 21 at Lake Lagunitas.
Trail Partners and the Presidio Riding Club are pleased to announce the beginning of the 2018 Tails and Tires workshops on Sunday, March 18. The workshop begins with a lesson on how horses think, with insights into their predator/prey nature.
Join us on Saturday, November 11 for our annual Mt. Tam Day of Thanks, as we work to maintain the health of the meadows and grasslands at the Horse Hill Open Space Preserve. Then take part in Tails & Tires on Sunday, November 19.
Visit the Trail Partners’ “Slow and Say Hello!” outpost this Saturday at the historic Phoenix Lake log cabin to get all of your trail-related questions answered, learn about safe trail use, and use your new knowledge of trail etiquette to win fun prizes. For this one day only, the historic Log Cabin will also be open to the public.
Trail Partners have been setting up “Slow and Say Hello!” outposts at popular trailheads around the county this summer to remind those who recreate on Marin’s open space, watershed and park lands of the importance of trail safety, courtesy toward other visitors, and respect for the plants and wildlife that inhabit them.
Hikers, bikers and equestrians came together for the first Tails and Tires workshop of 2017, where we shared trails skills and toured Bob Middagh Trail.
Join Horse Hill and MCBC for the first free Tails and Tires Workshop this Saturday, March 18 at Alto Bowl