news August 2018 – an incredible month for MCBC volunteers

August was a great month for volunteering with MCBC. We had volunteers serving hydration and snacks to Marin Century participants on August 4th, representing MCBC at Rush Creek in Novato through the Slow and Say Hello program on August 12th, and helping pull off one of our most successful Dirt Fondo events ever on August 18th. A warm thank you to all of our volunteers for helping spread the love in the MCBC cycling community (and spread the peanut butter on wheat bread for hungry cyclists). Check out some great pics from August events.

2018 Marin Century Volunteer Heroes

Volunteers Melissa Groos and Aimee Montroy went above and beyond with beautiful individualized fruit cups for Marin Century Cyclists. August 4th, 2018


Amazing MCBC Volunteers

MCBC Membership and Volunteer Coordinator Annie Leverich and volunteers (from left) Laura Call, Rich and Susan Moore, Dana Ewell, Adam Silver, and MCBC Board Director Francine Prophet. August 4th, 2018


Marin Cyclists rest stop captain Jay Wood with one of the most stylish cyclists we saw at the Marin Century. August 4th, 2018


Volunteer Rachel Hendrickson (left) makes sure the cookies stay stocked for the hardcore Dirt Fondo finishers. August 18th, 2018


Volunteers Oscar Lozano (left), Hilary Hyde (top), and Melissa Groos (right) form the perfect grillmaster trifecta for hungry Dirt Fondo finishers. August 18th, 2018


MCBC Executive Director Jim Elias (top) with Dirt Fondo ride leader volunteers Vernon and Robin Huffman. August 18th, 2018

$160 – $260

2025 Dirt Fondo

July 19
Presidio Riding Club, Bunker Road
Sausalito, CA 94965 United States
2024 Dirt Fondo Logo blue

The 13 Year Anniversary of MCBC's Dirt Fondo returns for a day of off-road adventure on Saturday July 19, 2025. 300 lucky riders […]

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