Cory's Ride Intern Profile Welcome Yeison- Cory’s Ride Intern
A goal of the Cory’s Ride program since its inception has been to create a student internship opportunity, and MCBC is proud to announce that we recently hired two amazing Cory’s Ride graduates as paid interns.
Yeison Alvarez and Leslie Parra started their Cory’s Ride journey in 2021. In addition to being top performers in the program, they both graduated from San Rafael High School last Spring and are currently attending College of Marin. As paid interns, they will be working 5-10 hours a week organizing group rides, attending community meetings, working with partner organizations to strengthen relationships and improve transportation conditions, and mentoring other students.
The internship program teaches responsibility, reliability, and collaboration as students work with MCBC staff and each other to prepare presentations to community groups, learn public speaking, and execute planning and logistical tasks around group ride events. Their official start date was January 17th, and they’ve been doing a wonderful job so far.
As we do with all MCBC staff, we asked Leslie and Yeison about themselves and their views on cycling. Please enjoy their Rider Profiles, which they have provided in English as well as in Spanish.
Rider Profile Questions – Yeison Alvarez
What kind of bicycle(s) do you ride?
I only have one bike that Cory’s Ride gave me.
What do you like best about riding?
I think that the most important thing is to exercise.
What do you like best about the benefits of riding your bike?
I think it helps me exercise and helps prevent traffic.
What would you have liked someone to tell you when you started Cory’s Ride? What was the most surprising thing to you about the program?
Cory’s Ride is a program that helps us discover more about bicycles, and most importantly how to use the special rules in cities that are very busy. And what I’m learning now is routes for students where they feel more comfortable than they do, they feel more secure in themselves.
Where is your favorite place to ride your bike?
I love all the places in Marin and I also discovered new ones.
What part of riding in Marin County would you most like to improve?
In my opinion I think that to improve Marin County is to have space only for bicycles for many reasons but because of the danger that there is when there is too much traffic. Because many cars do not respect the rules themselves. So having a space only for bicycles would be an improvement.
What is your vision of bicycling in the future?
One thing I could prevent is traffic and also take care of the environment.
Preguntas Sobre El Ciclista – Yeison Alvarez En EspaNol
¿Qué tipo de bicicleta(s) montas?
Solo tengo una bicicleta que me dio Cory ‘s Ride.
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de montar en bicicleta?
Yo pienso que lo más importante sobre montar bicicleta es como nos ayuda a hacer ejercicio, y también me ayuda a relajarme sobre el estrés.
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de los beneficios de montar en bicicleta?
Lo que me gusta más a mi sobre montar bicicleta es que me ayuda hacer ejercicio, y cuidar el medio ambiente sobre el tráfico.
¿Qué te hubiera gustado que alguien te dijera cuando empezaste Cory’s Ride? ¿Qué fue lo que más te sorprendió del programa?
Cory ‘s Ride es un programa que nos ayuda a descubrir más sobre bicicletas, y lo más importante es cómo usar las reglas especiales en las ciudades que están muy ocupadas. Y lo que estoy aprendiendo ahora como ser rutas para los estudiantes donde ellos se sienten más cómodos que ellos, se sienten más seguros en ellos mismos.
¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para montar en bicicleta?
Me gustan todos los lugares de Marin City porque están limpios, y frescos por los lagos que tiene.
¿Qué parte de ciclismo en el condado de Marin le gustaría mejorar?
No tengo un lugar favorito porque todos son interesantes, solo es de pensar que cada lugar tiene su área especial donde uno se siente cómodo.
¿Cuál es tu visión del ciclismo en el futuro?
En mi personal, yo pienso que para mejorar el condado de Marin es necesario tener espacio solo para bicicletas por muchas razones pero por los peligro que hay cuando hay demasiado tráfico. Porque muchos autos no respetan las reglas de ellos mismos. Así tener un espacio solo para bicicletas sería mejor.
Cory’s Ride is currently accepting applications for San Rafael middle and high school students to join the program! Students who live in the Canal neighborhood, have wanted a bike but haven’t had the means to get one, and are looking for an opportunity to earn one can submit an application here!
To learn more about Cory’s Ride and help further our impact: CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CORY’S RIDE
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